Monday, August 27, 2007

Over/Under: TDs vs. Kids

Will Henry be as productive on the field as he is at philandering?

Broncos RB Travis Henry reportedly fathered nine children in four states
August 27, 2007
Broncos running back Travis Henry been ordered to provide $3,000 a month for the Lithonia, Ga., boy he fathered out of wedlock three years ago, a DeKalb Superior Court Judge ordered, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The paper reported Henry, 28, has fathered nine children by nine women in at least four Southern states and has been ordered by various judges to provide child support for seven of them, according to court records.
AdvertisementThe Broncos signed Henry to a five-year, $22.5-million contract in March with $12 million in guaranteed bonuses."People can judge me all they want," Henry told the Denver Post. "But only God can judge me."A lot of stuff that's been put out there isn't true, but I'm not going to get into that right now," Henry said. "The important thing is I want to take care of my kids really and truly. It's all good."According to court records, the judge wrote that Henry displayed "bad judgment in his spending habits," dropping $100,000 for a car and $146,000 for jewelry. Henry fell behind on support payments for onechild. Threatened with jail, he borrowed $9,800 from his former team, the Tennessee Titans, to pay the bill, according to court records.Henry’s lawyer, Shiel Edlin, told the Atlanta paper, Henry wants to be a good parent. "I know these are a lot of kids, and there might be some questions about it, but he's a really committed father."

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