Friday, August 18, 2006

How Old Are We?

It's another Hollywood and the Madness adventure, straight out of 1999. Peep this itinerary:

Friday 6:00 PM: Pick up Derek in Framingham, drive to New Jersey, pick up Greco, and drive to Middleton, Delaware

Saturday 10:00 AM: Begin most complicated fantasy football draft EVER

Saturday 7:00 PM approx.: Derek puts on horsehead and rides broomstock

Sunday: 5:30 AM: Depart Delaware for return to Boston

Sunday: 1:00 PM: Interview WWE star John Cena at the Garden

Sunday: 7:00 PM: SUMMERSLAM at the Garden

Sunday 11:00 PM: Drop Derek off in Framingham

Sunday: 11:45 PM: Pass out from exhaustion

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