Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Predicting Jerseys Worn to the Draft

Mike - Vilma
Josh - Randle El
Brian - Mangold
Horse - Dawkins
Greco - Shockey
Derek - Lynch
Erin - Coles
Billy - Dent
Kevin - McNabb
Isaacs - Clemens


Dan said...

Mike - Vilma
Josh - Portis away
Brian - Pennington & a sling
Horse - TO - Cowboys
Greco - shhh, its a secret
Derek - Ron Dayne
Erin - Portis home
Billy - Willie Gualt
Kevin - Westbrook
Isaacs - Doug Jolley

Scott said...

I need to upgrade. My Abraham and Chrebet are totally outdated.

I will have something for the draft.

Mike said...

Pennington will lead us to the promise land.